
Testimonials from those who helped us build our history

“A combination of factors makes me feel very proud of participating of the Instituto Criança é Vida (Child is Life Institute) team. The project was born at the same time of my son’s birth and through warm discussions with competent and suitable professionals we came to the conclusion that only by educating our children we could make a difference in our society. The project has grown, the issues approached have expanded and the very positive results bring us the certainty that we are on the right path to prepare our children for the challenges of everyday life with care and responsibility.”

“With each passing year I am prouder to be part of this team. I am moved by every smile and every testimony, with the certainty that we are planting a small seed for building a much better world. With seriousness and transparency, the Instituto Criança é Vida (Child is Life Institute) has been reaping the fruits of this initiative, multiplying simple but extremely important concepts for the country’s children and adolescents. In a fun way, it addresses essential issues that really make a difference in our society.”

I reaffirm here Camila’s sincere and genuine feeling! (referring to the testimonial of Mrs. Maria Camila de Souza Moraes).

From all we have seen here yesterday (at the Institute’s General Assembly), we have also found that the “human capital” potential is much higher than that of the “material capital” – especially in the transformation of the human being (and still more especially of children and adolescents). This was one of the main values cultivated and encouraged by Mr. Mantegazza and bravely expressed today by Luca Mantegazza: we need to create possibilities in order to enable the human being to continuously become a “greater and better” person.

I am also convinced that these possibilities do not necessarily need a “high monetary value;” what they really need is a “high human value,” clearly expressed by educators and volunteers. Taking the words of Mariane, it was demonstrated yesterday – once more – ICV’s far-reaching effects and impact on the education/transformation of people, supported by a resource “disproportionate” to what could be imagined.

And this is ICV’s great “merit.” Proving the “human capital” transforming power over people’s health. We know that economists never reach a consensus regarding the causes and measures for the improvement of our economy. However, there is a unanimous agreement among them: HEALTH IS A HUMAN BEING’S MOST VALUABLE ASSET.

Congratulations to the “highly dedicated” Regina and her Group! Congratulations to the dedicated Executive Board and the dedicated Finance Committee.

As a member of the Advisory Committee – even without knowing all the members – I allow myself to express our commitment to challenge ourselves even more in our dedication to ICV.

I remembered Professor Miguel (I also ended up waking up today at 3 a.m. …) and ended up thinking about a definition of happiness. I concluded that words have not been “capable” of defining it yet, but this was demonstrated by the videos presented during our meeting. To me, the people who participated in the video have clearly defined happiness; not specifically through their testimonials, but mainly through their posture, face and eyes.

From what I have learnt in medicine, before we start an interview (anamnesis), perform a clinical examination and request lab tests and imaging exams, we must look attentively at our patient, especially regarding his/her posture, his/her face and eyes. And in pediatrics, it became still more evident when I began dealing with newborn children. This practice is already halfway to arriving at the correct diagnosis (Professor Miguel mentions in his articles the importance of “redeeming” the medical clinic and propaedeutics – ART that technology cannot carry out).

To all those who support and work for ICV, my sincere thanks for being able to participate in this experience of human transformation and happiness!

Today, once more, I feel happy to participate in the Advisory Committee of the Criança é Vida (Child is Life) Institute. I enjoyed hearing the words of Professor Miguel Srougi this morning, as he searched his most distant memories for wise words to so appropriately express the importance of your work and his feeling of happiness and I also am happy to be part of it, if only in a small way.

‘All men dream, but not in the same way. Those who dream at night, in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake up with the dawn, to find out that it was all vanity: But those who dream during the day are dangerous, since they can dream with open eyes, and make them come true. This is what I did.’

Lawrence of Arabia, in the Seven Pillars of Wisdom

This is my modest testimonial to the ICV. Congratulations on having met the challenge of providing children and adolescents with health education over the last 20 years!

It is with great satisfaction that today, through the Associação Beneficente Alzira Denise Hertzog da Silva (ABADHS), we are partners of the Criança é Vida (Child is Life) Institute.

First, I must say that the reason why we help people in need was the too early loss of our daughter Denise at 29 years of age. Driven by the pain caused by this event, we decided to further pursue the ideals of our daughter, and thus ABADHS was born.Though she was a lawyer, Denise always fought for social justice and to help socially vulnerable people.

Finally, we would like to thank the Criança é Vida (Child is Life) Institute for the opportunity to continue pursuing Denise’s ideals.

I agreed to head the Advisory Committee because I was enchanted by the Criança é Vida (Child is Life) Institute’s history, its goals and work already provided and, above all, because I was joining a group of people of indescribable value, committed to the never-ending struggle for human dignity.

The Criança é Vida (Child is Life) Institute was an essential partner for the restructuring of our volunteer activities with children, always sharing its knowledge by means of training and assistance to the Carrefour headquarters staff. It was two years of work based on respect, trust and commitment.

I see this work with much optimism since we must recognize that the rest of our lives is nothing more than a consequence of the period of growth and development.

We are very pleased with the interest of children and educators in the Sex Education project. This initiative, implemented with the knowledge and dedication of an experienced team, demonstrates the relevance of sex education for any age group. The response was beyond our expectations. Above all, it is risk-prevention and health promotion work, the first line among the available activities for the development of responsible and pleasurable sexual practice.

IMIP has followed the health education work of the Criança é Vida (Child is Life) Institute since the beginning. The way of achieving this transfer of knowledge – with solidarity and respect for children and families –, has really sensitized us, and resulted in effective changes in habits and manners that lead to healthier lives.

Schering-Plough, and its volunteer employees, have found in the Criança é Vida (Child is Life) Institute the ideal opportunity to contribute to a better and more just Brazilian society! The enthusiasm and engagement of all those involved are contagious! It is with great satisfaction that Schering-Plough supports this important initiative

It is with great pride that I see the initiative of a company – once placed in the service of society – being adopted with so much enthusiasm by such important companies. This is exactly what we wanted. To expand the work in education for health that was so successful and sensitize others to open new fronts in new communities. Brazil needs this!

It was a pleasure and an honor to be invited by the Criança é Vida (Child is Life) Institute to join its Advisory Committee. The institution works in this critical area for our society, Education for Health, including topics rarely addressed, such as sex education for children. As a pediatrician and Pediatrics professor, I give my support and hope to contribute to this important work being developed.

I have been director of the Criança é Vida (Child is Life) Institute for only one year, but I am very proud to participate and, in some way, contribute to its success. I respect the seriousness with which the projects are developed and I am very happy to see the joy of the communities assisted.

The Institute was present in more than one third of my life! This amounts to 20 years engaged in different activities to make Criança é Vida (Child is Life) what it is today. From field volunteer to member of the board of directors, each position provides great pleasure all the time: deciding what to do; helping to make things happen; seeing what our simple work accomplishes. I have to say that sometimes I thought of “abandoning this ship…” But every time this happened, there was a testimonial, a photo, a thank you, or even a new project or need, and then I got my energy back, twice as strong, and everything started again as if it was the first time! Why do I go on? I believe it is because, at the end of the day, I benefited from this work over the years as much if not more than the people we helped.

About 18 years ago I had the privilege to be introduced to the work of the Instituto Criança é Vida (Child is Life Institute). What immediately attracted me was the incredible art of transforming complex themes difficult to understand and assimilate, into simple, fun, enjoyable teachings, which, in the course of the work, are imprinted forever in the minds and hearts of those who participate in the programs, whether children or adults! This is absolutely enchanting work and every time I hear a testimonial, I can’t help being moved by the transforming power of KNOWLEDGE. Educating for health is our mission. I hope to continue to be part of this story, contributing, witnessing and falling in love again and again with each new project, with each new initiative. On this journey, we humbly learn that we receive much more than we pretentiously thought to give one day!

The Instituto Criança é Vida (Child is Life Institute) unites people and shares knowledge. It multiplies health, confidence and joy for children and families. The Institute provides the right amount of information, with affection and enthusiasm. The proposal attracted me since the beginning. And its story is simply impressive. It is a pleasure to be part of it. Contributing to the next stages is a privilege!

The Instituto Criança é Vida (Child is Life Institute – ICV) provides a valuable opportunity to contribute to our society. The work developed at ICV has a great transformational power when applied to a community and this transformation has immediate and long-term impact and can extend over generations. For me, it is a great privilege to be part of this.
