The Cause

Deficiencies in infrastructure, such as basic sanitation, urbanization, housing and families lacking financial resources expose children and adolescents to situations of risk: respiratory infections, malnutrition, skin problems, verminosis, scabies and lice, home accidents and others. Childhood and adolescence are often not given due consideration, children and young people feel deprived of affection, protection and attention, suffer corporal punishment, violence and sexual abuse, are exposed to sex at a very young age and have low self-esteem.

The work with parents and educators shows that people do not do better, not because they do not want to, but because they do not know how – education is the way. But how should we educate? The staff of the Instituto Criança é Vida (Child is Life Institute) trains educators and employees of institutions, in addition to partner company volunteers, to multiply projects for children, adolescents and families in communities where they are active.

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