
100% Transparency at the GIFE Panel



At the beginning of 2016, GIFE – a non-profit organization that brings together the country’s major institutes, foundations and companies – which promote private social investment – launched the GIFE TRANSPARENCY PANEL.

The panel, inspired by international experiences, such as “Glasspockets,” – a project of the U.S. Foundation Center – organizes and makes available relevant information on institutes and foundations associated with GIFE, based on a group of indicators. Among them are independent auditors’ reports and financial statements.

All the associated institutes and foundations (106) were invited to participate, but initially only 38% chose to join the online platform – including the Criança é Vida (Child is Life) Institute.

In March, when the GIFE panel was launched, all the information on management of the Criança é Vida (Child is Life) Institute was not available on our website. Topics such as our Vision and the Activity Report for the previous year are examples of content that we have recently made available.

In August, the Criança é Vida (Child is Life) Institute became the first organization – among the country’s largest institutes and foundations – to comply with 100% of the GIFE Transparency Panel indicators.

As an organization in the third sector, we have always been concerned with governance and transparency. Since 2004, the Criança é Vida (Child is Life) Institute has had its social assistance numbers confirmed by external auditors – a criterion that is not yet part of any Transparency Panel, but which we began providing 13 years ago.

Our board of directors, partners and councils are quite proud of achieving 100% transparency. After all, transparency leads to credibility, an essential requirement to ensure longevity for an organization such as ours!

Check out http://gife.org.br/painel-gife-de-transparencia/o-painel/