Affection and Protection

Criança é Vida Afeto e Proteção (Child is Life Affection and Protection) is a project directed at parents and educators. It includes 6 instructional units and began in 2011.

The purpose is to sensitize and inform about violence against children in order to avoid violence in the home. Working to prevent family violence means enabling early intervention aimed at minimizing violent situations against children.

Specific project objectives:

Make adults aware of the need to take responsibility for child care and education; promote reflection on situations that protect or put at risk children and adolescents in a fun way; deal with the kinds of violence against them, such as negligence, abandonment, physical and psychological violence, sexual abuse and exploitation, and Munchausen syndrome by proxy.

  1. Child development stages – expected behaviors
  2. Violence produces violence – consequences for child development
  3. Violent behavior – why are children more and more aggressive?
  4. The importance of family
  5. Forms of violence against children
  6. The Child and Adolescent Statute (ECA)

Testimonials about this project

Knowledge of the characteristics of different types of violence. Recognition and appreciation of children as developing human beings.

After completion of some Instructional units, we were able to see a change in attitude and behavior in some families. Things they had previously done, never realizing how wrong they were.

I learned that we can never give up on our children.